Simple Modeling Language
Create your architecture diagrams
with a one of a kind editor!
Simple Modeling Language Editor
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Simple Modeling Language Editor

Only editor available that allows full support of user interface interactions and a Domain Specific Language (DSL)!

What is a DSL and how do I use it? Visit our SML Cheatsheet to get going.

Edit your diagrams through an user interface

You can click on boxes, drag or embed them, create links between boxes or simply reposition them. All with your mouse.

Use our Domain Specific Language to interact with the diagram

A diagram is represented through its DSL. User interfaces are not your thing? Just write your diagram down and enjoy a majority of the Visual Studio Code shortcuts!

One format to rule them all

Export your diagram as a .sml.svg file, open it in your browser, drag it into your powerpoint, or open it again in the editor to continue working on the diagram!

Simple Modeling Language Editor

The Cheatsheet

All too complicated? This cheatsheet breaks down the most commonly used artifacts of SML.

Learn about SML's DSL and what you can do with it!